Sunday, October 13, 2013

Brighton High Football Week of October 13th - October 19th

Dear Players and Parents,

GREAT WIN's by all 3 teams this past week :-)

This week is going to be equally as AWESOME for Brighton Football:

1 - Full Pad Practice Monday
2:45 PM - 5:15 PM (Practice Fields)

2- Sophomore Game @ Brighton 3:30 PM & JV Game @ Jordan 3:30 PM on Tuesday

3- Jordan @ Brighton on Wednesday at 7:00 PM
4 - The Coaches will inform the players of the remaining practice schedule during the week.

**PLEASE** note a change in the game Schedule. The Varsity game on October 25th against Copper Hills will now be played on Thursday October 24th. Therefore, the Sophomore and JV games will be played on Wednesday, October 23rd.

“Learn from the PAST.
Prepare for the FUTURE.
Perform in the PRESENT.
When you are playing your game right on time,
in the PRESENT, you perform at your best.
Why? Because in the PRESENT, there is no pressure.
Pressure is created by anxieties about the FUTURE
and remembered failures from the PAST.”
-Gary Mack


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